Wednesday, August 13, 2008


November 2012
ISRAEL RUDDERLESS SHIP*****************************
ISRAEL is now a powerful erratic Ship, having lost its rudder -which was the Temple of Jerusalem-.
Therefore this powerful Ship can no more deliver its precious Freight, which was, and still remains, the irreplaceable Leaven of World Democracy, constituted by the twin Fundamental Moral Genome : -Human Duties-Human Rights-.

Because of their ignorance of IDEOLOGY WAR, and because of their ignorance of Islam Fundamentals, naïve Israeli (and other) Politicians will soon witness the (same) rout of Fatah and the triumph of Hamas in the Western Bank, as Democracy can NEVER blossom in the Islamic Society irremovable Compound -for very specific Koranic reasons-.
And very soon, TV Programs will present all the Palestinian streets, haunted by ghostly women walking in their life-prison veils, sight which usually make the delight of complacent medias and tourists, in the name of a so-called comprehensive tolerance of different "cultures".

Then, Israel, floating adrift and encircled by the Ideology of Hamas, of Hezbollah, of Iran, of Syria, of Egypt, of al-Qaida, etc. (all fully loaded with pretrodollars to fight Israel), will finally understand that the only efficient Dome Shield, on the long term, which would be able to protect Israel from this everlasting irreducible Ideology Hatred from the Muslims, will neither be its army, neither the 150 Israeli atomic bombs, nor eventually the thousands American-Israel missiles of the Dome, nor Haaretz worn out stereotypes.

In this irreducible and raging IDEOLOGY WAR, led by the fanatics-faithful Muhammadan Islamists, the only IDEOLOGY EVENT which could win Israel, at least, the Justified Respect (if not the Esteem) of the Muslim World, is the Restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem on its Authentic Site ***.
(-Jerusalem Temple fathering Democracy with its indissoluble genome twins, Human Duties and Human Rghts- : Jerusalem Temple, let us insistently recall, without which Muhammad -begging for the Shekinah- as well as Israel, as well as Muslim and Israeli Nomenklaturas, and as well as World Democracy, would never have existed).

See at the first and sole Archaeology Study of the Jerusalem Temple Hydraulic System, which has been miraculously preserved, to this present day, in the rocky underground of the “Haram” (Esplanade of the Mosques) and which can be visited by anyone :
This Archaeology Study enables to locate precisely the authentic Site of the vanished Temple, downstream from the “Haram” (“Haram” which, in reality, had always been the ancient Jewish Citadel overlooking and protecting the Temple).
The grandiose, innovative, unique (and totally ignored ! ) antique TEMPLE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, installed from King Solomon to King Herod, with meticulous underground cascades, had been, thus, designed to constitute the “Water Tower” which stored and provided, DOWNSTREAM, and by sole gravitation, the indispensable Live Source Waters of Etam to the JERUSALEM TEMPLE :
These purifying living Waters had to EVER FLOW, without the least interruption and by sole gravitation, according to the meticulous exacting Jewish Religious Prescriptions, in order to allow daily Mikweh Purifications of ALL ISRAEL, as absolutely required by YHWH in the Worship of the ancient ISRAEL TEMPLE –
- The Temple, therefore in reality, stood on a disappeared Platform, located DOWNSTREAM from its “Water Tower” : and this “Water Tower” is still, to date, embedded in the rocky underground of the nowadays Haram-).

Thus, the JEWISH TEMPLE stood in reality DOWNSTREAM from the Haram (ancient Jewish Citadel) on these disappeared Platform and Esplanade :

Historical Résumé :
These (downstream) Platform and Esplanade had been erased to the sloppy rock, in 135, by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, after the bloody repression of the last Revolt of the Jews, led by Bar Kochba and Rabbi Akiba (the main Architect of the Mishnah), in their desperate attempt to rebuild the Temple destroyed by Titus in 70.
Jerusalem was then voided of all its inhabitants (Jews and Judeo-Christians) and was repopulated with new Pagan immigrants (mainly Syrians) to colonize the City that became entirely and exclusively Roman, and was renamed Aelia Capitolina.
In order to ensure the success of a secret strategy, the object being to eliminate any new idea of Revolt by the Jews and any idea of a Single God, the God-Roman Emperor Hadrian had decided to eradicate from the memory of humanity the real location of the Temple.
With this objective in view, Hadrian, thus, had expelled the Jews from Jerusalem with an Edict formally forbidding all Jews (or Judeo-Christians) to never again approach the City under pain of instant death.
This Interdiction forbidding the Jews (and Judeo-Christians) to approach Jerusalem remained in force for about two centuries, and its application was facilitated by the visual inspection of circumcision of any suspect.
After the destruction of the Temple by the Roman Emperor Titus in 70, the Herodian Esplanade of the Citadel which overlooked and protected the Temple had be turned into the “Campus” (flat maneuvers place) of the Roman occupying Legion (X Frentesis in the beginnning). 
Later, after the Conquest of Jerusalem by Caliph Omar, in 638, this flat open space became the “Haram” of the Muslims.**“En Histoire ce qui est cru efface ce qui est vrai“
Natan (d’après Talleyrand)
“In History what is believed wipes off what is true“

Talmud of Jerusalem : Moed Order : Yoma Tractate : I/1“Each Generation during which the Temple is not rebuilt
is as equally guilty as those who had allowed it to be destroyed”
(Written by the Palestinian Rabbis four centuries after the destruction of the Herodian Temple by Titus)

Natan 2008 - who salutes with commiseration the Israeli Archaeologists, more interested in their private business and civil servant position than in the Destiny of Israel…
Natan 2012

Friday, July 25, 2008


November 2012
In the same way...

In exactly the same way as the Jews did, unexpectedly, recreate the State of Israel after two thousands years, despite the initial and unanimous opposition of the Rabbis, in the same way the Jews will restore the 4th Temple of Jerusalem on its authentic Site indicated to David by YHWH.

See at previous Posts and at the precise location of this Temple Site, downstream from the Haram (Esplanade of the Mosques) as it appears, unquestionably, through the first and sole Archaeology Study of the Temple Hydraulic System, miraculously preserved in the bedrock of the Haram (and which can be visited nowadays by anyone).
- Incidentally, I salute with commiseration the perfectissime ignorance of the Israeli Archaeology Nomenklatura, more interested in their private business and civil position than in Israel Destiny. -

of the 4th TEMPLE of JERUSALEM :

Animals bloody Sacrifices Rites were not specific to the Jewish Religion :
Almost all Civilizations in Antiquity did practise Religious Animal Sacrifices.
And almost all Civilizations have forsaken these initial primitive Rites.
Therefore, it would be a sclerotic and prehistorical move to restore animals sacrifices. (in this prospect, he Rabbis, for centuries, have constantly demonstrated their formidable capability to adapt and modify the Moses Prescriptions to all circumstances and to the evolution of Civilizations.)

The true, unique and revolutionary Invention of the Jewish Religion was the Institution of the Worship of a Moral Pact uniting the Jews to YHVH, to be preserved in the Ark of Covenant, and to be perpetuated in the Jerusalem Temple.
The development of this glorious Cult, preserving forever and celebrating, day after day, this Moral Covenant, progressively, allowed the blossoming of Democracy (which, willy nilly, will finally become the universal rule of this (first) Planet).
Therefore, this glorious Worship at the 4th Temple of Jerusalem, -fathering Mankind Moral with the indissociable twins Human Duties-Human Rights-, will, sooner or later, be resumed by the innovative Jews, in all its splendour, despite - but more hopefully with the help of - the Rabbis :

So, let us never forget, O, Jerusalem :

Each Generation, during which the Temple is not rebuilt,
is as equally guilty as those who had allowed it to be destroyed.
Talmud of Jerusalem : Order Moed : Tractate Yoma : 1 : 1
(Written by the Palestinian Rabbis four centuries after the destruction of the Herodian Temple by Titus)

See at
Guidelines for the Mystical Structure and Worship
at the 4th Synagogue-Temple of Jerusalem


Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Two sad Coffins - Hezbollah Triumph

November 2012
Two Sad Coffins – Hezbollah Triumph
and “Israel will disappear…”

Ahmadinejad, who is the Voice of His Master, “the Qoms Nomenklatura”, speaks and shouts, aloud, what one billion Muslims think mutely (despite what they may eventually recite publicly).

Israel ! Wake up ! Israel you are facing an Ideology War, and apparently the Israeli Government is totally ignorant of it !
Wake up Israel before disappearing !
The only efficient Shield Dome, which could protect now Israel from the everlasting Ideology Hatred of the Muslims are neither the 150 Israeli atomic bombs, nor eventually (but less and less probably) the thousands American-Israel missiles of the Iron Dome, nor Haaretz complacent stereotypes.
In the irreducible and raging Ideology War, led by the Muhammadan Islamists, the only Ideology Event which could win Israel, at least, the Justified Respect (if not the Esteem) of the Muslim World, is the Restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem ***. (-Temple fathering Democracy- and without which, let us recall, Muhammad -begging for the Shekinah- as well as Muslim and Israeli Nomenklaturas would never have existed).

See previous Post for this deep running Ideology War.

See at the first Archaeology Study of the Jerusalem Temple Hydraulic System, which has been miraculously preserved, to this present day, in the rocky underground of the “Haram” (Esplanade of the Mosques) :
This Scientific Study enables to locate precisely the authentic Site of the vanished Temple, downstream from the “Haram” (“Haram” which, in reality, had always been the ancient Jewish Citadel overlooking and protecting the Temple).
- Continued on the previous Post -

Friday, June 13, 2008

Searching Israel Moral Strength

November 2012

Searching Israel Moral Strength
“Annual Democracy Index” : Survey of the 10th June 2008, conducted by the Israel Democracy Institute
(margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points) :- A third (1/3) of Israelis expressed feelings of nausea, revulsion, depression and despair, when asked what they felt about Israeli Politics.
- Another third (1/3) said they instinctively associate Israeli politics with corruption, betrayal and deceit.
(1/3 + 1/3 = 2/3 = 66% !)

For this brilliant moral situation of the Jewish Nation Ideology, we must congratulate first, diverse Israeli Nomenklaturas’ sclerotic behaviours, and, second, their linked Medias’ insipid comments, whose most accomplished example is Haaretz’s logorrhea of all flowing stereotypes.

But what is the most amazing, or rather shocking, is the disdainful Ignorance of these same Nomenklaturas and Medias, concerning Fundamental Ideology, which is the indispensable Moral Infrastructure conditioning and supporting evolution of every Civilization.

So let us recall to these presumptuous Nomenklaturas and Medias the forgotten Birth and vivifying Roots of the Jews’ Moral Fundamentals :

What constitutes and creates the indestructible and everlasting Moral Infrastructure of the Torah (for the Believers) and the Moral infrastructure of Democracy (for the non-believers) is the Moral Covenant given by YHWH (or revealed by the Jewish collective Genome) to the Jews.

-- This Moral Covenant originally had to be daily celebrated and perpetuated, first, in Moses nomadic Sacred Tent, and then, in the Temple of Jerusalem, in order to daily strengthen Israel in an unifying (and sacred) Rite.—
In other words, the Temple of Jerusalem was, and still is, permanently, fathering Torah and Democracy.
That was, that is, and that always will be, Israel’s only supreme and almighty Justification and Legitimacy.

When the Jews in Israel became Dhimmis, after the Conquest of Jerusalem by Caliph Omar, in 638, the Rabbis, as previously, went on mummifying spiritually the Jerusalem Temple in order to preserve Israel's Faith (although they were committed to raise it to Life again, as "speedily " as possible).
Then those newly oppressed Jews were reduced, for centuries, to pray at the feet of the Muslims, and the so-called “Western Wall” (in fact the western rampart of the ancient Jerusalem Citadel) progressively became sacred forever, through the desperate prayers of generations of unfortunate dhimmis Jews.

- But now that a new Archaeology Study reveals that the Temple of Jerusalem could only have stood, downstream from the feet of Muslims (i.e. downstream from the Haram = downstream from the Esplanade of the Mosques) ;
- And now that the Temple of Jerusalem, on which descended the Shekinah, can be rebuilt on its authentic Site indicated to David by YHWH, why is it that those suicidal Israeli Nomenklaturas and Medias, (all responsible for Israel’s present ''Nausea'') block and censor Natan, the Author of this scientific Study ???

--- (Natan is the Author of the sole authentic History of the Jews (2500 pages), ever written since the colossal Work of Flavius Josephus.
And I can bet that these Israelis Nomenklaturas and Medias have never read the entire Work of Flavius Josephus. (by the way, the monumental Work of this greatest Jewish Historian is not even published in Hebrew in Israel (!!!) although Josephus’ History is indispensable for those who pretend to Jewish Knowledge : - therefore, congratulations to the Scholars responsible for the Teaching of Jewish History in Israel !-)
And, in the same way, these Nomenklaturas and Medias (all responsible for Israel’s present ''Ideology Nausea'') are, in fact, not capable of reading Natan’s work...---
See at the first Archaeology Study of the Jerusalem Temple Hydraulic System, which has been miraculously preserved, to this present day, in the rocky underground of the “Haram” (Esplanade of the Mosques) :
This Scientific Study enables to locate precisely the authentic Site of the vanished Temple, downstream from the “Haram” (“Haram” which, in reality, had always been the ancient Jewish Citadel overlooking and protecting the Temple).
The grandiose, innovative, unique (and totally ignored ! ) antique religious HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, installed from King Solomon to King Herod, with meticulous underground cascades, had been, thus, designed to constitute the “Water Tower” which stored and provided, DOWNSTREAM, and by sole gravitation, the indispensable Live Source PurificationWaters of Etam to the JERUSALEM TEMPLE :
These purifying living Waters had to EVER FLOW, without the least interruption and by sole gravitation, according to the meticulous exacting Jewish Religious Prescriptions, in order to allow daily Purifications of ALL ISRAEL, as absolutely required by YHWH in the Worship of the ancient ISRAEL TEMPLE –
- The Temple, therefore in reality, stood on a disappeared Platform, located DOWNSTREAM from its “Water Tower” : and this “Water Tower” is still embedded in the rocky underground of the nowadays Haram-).
Thus, the JEWISH TEMPLE stood in reality DOWNSTREAM from the Haram (ancient Jewish Citadel) on  a disappeared Platform and its Esplanade :

**Historical Résumé :
These (downstream) Platform and Esplanade had been erased to the sloppy rock, in 135, by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, after the bloody repression of the last Revolt of the Jews, led by Bar Kochba and Rabbi Akiba (the main Architect of the Mishnah), in their desperate attempt to rebuild the Temple destroyed by Titus in 70.
Jerusalem was then voided of all its inhabitants (Jews and Judeo-Christians) and was repopulated with new Pagan immigrants (mainly Syrians) to colonise the City that became entirely and exclusively Roman, and was renamed Aelia Capitolina.
In order to ensure the success of a secret strategy, the object being to eliminate any new idea of Revolt by the Jews, and any idea of a Single God, the God-Roman Emperor Hadrian had decided to eradicate from the memory of men the real location of the Temple.
With this objective in view, Hadrian thus had expelled the Jews from Jerusalem with an Edict formally forbidding all Jews (or Judeo-Christians) to never again approach the City under pain of instant death.
This Interdiction forbidding the Jews (and Judeo-Christians) to approach Jerusalem remained in force for about two centuries, and its application was facilitated by the visual inspection of circumcision of any suspect.
After the destruction of the Temple by the Roman Emperor Titus in 70, the Herodian Esplanade of the Citadel which overlooked and protected the Temple had been turned into a “Campus” (flat maneuvers place) for the Roman occupying Legion (X Frentesis initially), and, later, after the Conquest of Jerusalem by Caliph Omar, in 638, this flat esplanade became the “Haram” of the Muslims.
En Histoire ce qui est cru efface ce qui est vrai
Natan (d’après Talleyrand)
In History what is believed wipes off what is true

Talmud of Jerusalem : Moed Order : Yoma Tractate : I/1
"Each Generation
during which the Temple is not rebuilt
is as guilty as those who had allowed it to be destroyed

(Written by the Palestinian Rabbis,
four centuries
after the Destruction of the Herodian Temple by Titus)

So, Israel ! Wake up !And let our Generation build speedily
the 4th Temple of Jerusalem,
fathering Democracy
and perpetual Compass for the {Human Duties-Human Rights}
of Planet Earth.

Natan's Guidelines for the Mystical Structure and Worship
of the 4th Temple of Jerusalem
Natan, 13th july 2008
November 2012

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Wake up Israel ! before ''disappearing''...

November 2012

Wake up Israel ! before “disappearing” ...
"Israel will disappear..."
Ahmadinejad, who is the Voice of His Master, the Qoms Nomenklatura, speaks and shouts, aloud, what one billion Muslims think mutely (despite what they may recite publicly).

Israel ! Stop believing pretentious and suicidal Editors of Haaretz and Jerusalem Post, whose Webmasters are instructed to block and censor all Emails and Comments from Natan !!!
(Natan is the Author of the sole authentic History of the Jews (2500 pages) since the colossal Work of Flavius Josephus – and I can bet that those pretentious Editors have never read the entire Work of Flavius Josephus, indispensable for those who pretend to Jewish Knowledge, in the same way as they are not capable of reading Natan’s work.)

But let us come back to the Core of a more serious Subject :
The only efficient Dome Shield, which could protect now Israel from the everlasting Ideology Hatred of the Muslims, are neither the 150 Israeli atomic bombs, nor, very eventually (but less and less probably) the thousands American-Israel Dome missiles, nor Haaretz complacent stereotypes...

In the irreducible and raging Ideology War led by the Muhammadan Islamists, the only Ideology Event which could win Israel, at least, the Justified Respect (if not the Esteem) of the Muslim World, is the Restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem ***
(-Temple fathering Democracy- and without which, let us recall, Muhammad -begging for the Shekinah-, as well as Muslim and Israeli Nomenklaturas would never have existed...)
See at the first Study of the Jerusalem Temple Hydraulic System, which has been miraculously preserved, to this present day, in the rocky underground of the “Haram” (Esplanade of the Mosques) :
This Scientific Study enables to locate precisely the Authentic Site of the vanished Temple, downstream from the “Haram” (“Haram” which, in reality, had always been the ancient Jewish Citadel overlooking and protecting the Temple).

The grandiose, innovative, unique (and totally ignored ! ) antique religious HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, installed from King Solomon to King Herod, with meticulous underground cascades, had been, thus, designed to constitute the Water Towerwhich stored and provided, DOWNSTREAM, and by sole gravitation, the indispensable Live Source Purification Waters of Etam to the JERUSALEM TEMPLE :

These purifying living Waters had to EVER FLOW, without the least interruption and by sole gravitation, according to the meticulous exacting Jewish Religious Prescriptions, in order to allow daily Purifications of ALL ISRAEL, as absolutely required by YHWH in the Worship of the ancient ISRAEL TEMPLE --
The Temple, therefore in reality, stood on a disappeared Platform, located DOWNSTREAM from this underground “Water Tower” -nowadays Haram-).

Thus, the JEWISH TEMPLE stood DOWNSTREAM from the "Haram" (ancient Jewish Citadel) on these disappeared Platform and Esplanade :**Historical Résumé :
These (downstream) Platform and Esplanade had been erased to the sloppy rock, in 135, by the Roman Emperor Hadrian, after the bloody repression of the last Revolt of the Jews, led by Bar Kochba and Rabbi Akiba (the main Architect of the Mishnah), in their desperate attempt to rebuild the Temple destroyed by Titus in 70.
Jerusalem was then voided of all its inhabitants (Jews and Judeo-Christians) and was repopulated with new Pagan immigrants (mainly Syrians) to colonise the City that became entirely and exclusively Roman, and was renamed Aelia Capitolina.
In order to ensure the success of a secret strategy, the object being to eliminate any new idea of Revolt by the Jews, and any idea of a Single God, the God-Roman Emperor Hadrian had decided to eradicate from the memory of men the real location of the Temple.
With this objective in view, Hadrian thus had expelled the Jews from Jerusalem with an Edict formally forbidding all Jews (or Judeo-Christians) to never again approach the City under pain of instant death.
This Interdiction forbidding the Jews (and Judeo-Christians) to approach Jerusalem remained in force for about two centuries, and its application was facilitated by the visual inspection of circumcision of any suspect.
After the destruction of the Temple by the Roman Emperor Titus in 70, the Herodian Esplanade of the Citadel, which overlooked and protected the Temple, had be turned into the “Campus” (maneuvrers place) of the Roman occupying Legion (X Frentesis initially), and, later, after the Conquest of Jerusalem by Caliph Omar, in 638, this esplanade became the “Haram” of the Muslims.
“En Histoire ce qui est cru efface ce qui est vrai“
Natan (d’après Talleyrand)
“In History what is believed wipes off what is true“
Natan**4th june 2008 **
November 2012

Saturday, April 12, 2008


November 2012

************ISRAEL, its MUMMY and NAQBAH ************

******** In Yedot Aharonot (popular Israeli Newspaper) :
“Have we gone mad ? Has something gone wrong with our collective Mind ? The State of Israel is about to mark 60 years of Independence in an atmosphere of bitterness, depression and public reluctance to waste the money on (these) Celebrations (!)”-Sever Plocker- (veteran Israeli journalist)

“The solution is not to go in a (ghetto) bunker and cry (…)”-Shalom Kital- (another veteran Israeli journalist)

What Sever Plocker and Shalom Kital, among others, cannot understand is that the State of Israel has no sense in the absence of its Founding Temple, - without which Jews would not even know that they are Jews, and without which Jerusalem would have become a vague and unknown Palestinian village.-

With the sole exception of Rabbi Akiba, the main Architect of the Mishnah, who suffered the martyr for having attempted to rebuild the Temple in 135, all the Rabbis, since then, have conscientiously mummified the Jerusalem Temple (which they were committed to raise to Life again) ;
And the non-Believers-in-God (Jewish atheists and free thinkers) mock that very Mummy, whose indestructible Matrix, nevertheless, unconsciously attract them back, again and again, to Israel…

But Listen, O Israel !
YHWH -and/or the Jewish Collective Genome, (recalling the Finality of its Origins and of its Nature)- will soon restore to Life the Temple in Jerusalem on its authentic forgotten Site**, reviving, fertilizing and renewing its original Mission :
i.e. : the perpetual fathering of Democracy on Planet Earth, through appropriate collective Rites establishing the necessary reinforced Moral Substructures which permanently allow the safe building of all democratic Civilizations (= boundless creativity).
- And Democracy can never be established when these Moral Substructures (innate or acquired) do not preexist, whatever recurrent and rhetorical "elections" might be performed.

Therefore, with the new, necessary, and meaningful Temple of Jerusalem, the Times of joyful Celebrations will come, and, finally, free the once-creative Jews, imprisoned nowadays in their sterile ever-besieged State.
And ISRAEL would not survive without its Founding TEMPLE.
** See at the first Study of the Jerusalem Temple Hydraulic System, which has been miraculously preserved, to this present day, in the rocky underground of the “Haram” (Esplanade of the Mosques) :
This Scientific Study enables to locate precisely the authentic Site of the vanished Temple, downstream from the “Haram” (“Haram” which was, in reality, the ancient Jewish Citadel overlooking and protecting the Temple).

The Arabs Muslims mourn now the 60th Year of Independence of Israel as the “Naqbah of Year 1948”, all of them having forgotten, or rather, being totally ignorant of the “Great Naqbah of 638” (“Great Catastrophe of Year 638”).
That Year 638, Caliph Omar came from Mecca to conquer, by the sword, Jerusalem, whose inhabitants did know nothing about Islam, but were terrified by the frightening bloodshed, plunders and rapes of the Islamists Jihad warriors and “martyrs”.
That same year 638, Caliph Omar decided to build the Mosque Al-Aqsa (not to be confused with the Dome of the Rock) on the wrongly supposed Site of the disappeared Temple of the Jews :
This Mosque Al-Aqsa was built by Omar for the following reasons :
During the twelve (12) first years of his Predication, Muhammad had prayed in the direction (“Qibla”) of the vanished Temple of the Jews, as did all the Jews in Arabia in that time.
Muhammad failed to persuade the Rabbis of Medina that he was the new Prophet (mainly because of his total ignorance of the Hebraic Sacred Texts).
However, through his discussions with the same Rabbis, Muhammad had discovered the existence of Ismael, the illegitimate son of Abraham. Muhammad then decided to change the Direction (“Qibla”) of the Muslim Prayer from the Jerusalem Jewish Temple towards the ancestral Pagan Temple of Mecca (with 360 Idols from all Arabia).
Then, Muhammad “abrahamised” the Pagan Temple of Mecca, his native City, as the new Sanctuary for the Unique God (Allah) of the Arabs.
After this change of the moslem “Qibla”, all the Jews (and Rabbis) of Medina were slaughtered, or deported from Arabia.
In 638, after the Conquest of Jerusalem by Omar, the Pagans were offered the following choice :
- to convert immediately to Islam or to be slaughtered.
The Christians and the Jews were offered the following choice :
- to convert immediately to Islam or to become “Dhimmis” (subordinate class).
Furthermore, the Jews were forbidden from Jerusalem.

But, luckily (or miraculously) when building the Mosque Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem (-in order to commemorate the “Qibla” of those twelve (12) first Years of Predication of his dead companion, Muhammad, “Prophet of the Arabs”-) Caliph Omar ignored all of the Jewish Temple underground Hydraulic System :
Therefore, since then : this everlasting Error (another “Catastrophe”) of the wrong Location of the Jewish Jerusalem Temple, shared by, or imposed upon, the Jewish and Christian Dhimmis.

Natan 2008

“Archaeology is sterile when it does not implement the Future”
“En Histoire ce qui est cru efface ce qui est vrai“
Natan (d’après Talleyrand)
“In History what is believed wipes off what is true“

Monday, March 3, 2008


Israel Fatal Error :
- Cure the Roots of its Ills -
Part I : The Diagnosis

March 2008 :
Declaration of Mahmoud Ahamadinejad,
President of (Moslem = non-compatible with Democracy) Iran,
(who dreams of himself as the new Saladin) :

Israel will be eradicated and its leaders will be judged and punished one by one (by the Islamic Courts who, according to the Chariah, have jurisdiction to deal with the Dhimmis Jews, who still dare to rebel).
Ahamadinejad speaks aloud what one billion Moslems think deeply.
And as a new Saladin, Ahamadinejad strenghtens his influence on Hamas, Hezbollah and Syria, restores ties with Irak and Egypt, and soon will unite with Atomic Pakistan.
Meanwhile Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas, hailed as a potential peacemaker by the American administration, mused to the Jordanian newspaper al-Dustour that in the future it might be necessary to return to arms struggle (a Muhammadan Truce never becoming definitive).

Therefore, Ehud Olmert (who is not a Genius neither in Politics nor in Wars) is making a fatal MISTAKE :
i.e. thinking that the tiny Israeli Democracy (surrounded by all Islamic totalitarian Regimes) would triumphantly, on the long term, vanquish altogether, Hamas, Hezbollah, Atomic Iran, Atomic-Madrasas Pakistan, Ben Laden & Talibans Syndicate, (and Egypt to be very soon overwhelmed by the young frustrated Islamists, etc.)
And this delusive “Triumph of Israel” would be obtained by using the only force of weapons, of sophisticated technologies, of Israeli courage, and of endless self-sacrifices !
Meanwhile, impassive Ehud Olmert - totally ignorant of the Momentum of Ideologies impulses and strategies underlying evolutions of Civilizations -, Ehud Olmert, ignoring all, admits that “he does not have a magic formula” to halt the attacks of Muslim rockets, bombs, and soon of Iran and Pakistan Missiles…

Of course, as Ehud Olmert cannot understand (because totally ignorant of the true Muhammadan Preaching, totally incompatible with Democracy) is that what is now at stake, in this 21th century, is an implacable Ideology War between the Muhammadan Sect (whose Al-Aqsa and Dome of the Rock dominate proudly Jerusalem) and the Jews who, in the same Jerusalem, pray humbly, fervently and “insolently”- at the wrong place – i.e. at the feet of the Moslems who, over a few past centuries, had reluctantly given their “Dhimmi” Jews some stone bones to gnaw at the bottom of their ramparts.

Furthermore, Ehud Olmert as well as benevolent naïve Democracies are constantly deluding themselves with the fantasizing hope that, on the long term, “Moderate Islam” -which is a western illusion and in fact an emasculated Muhammadan Islam- would finally triumph with the help of the consumerism passion of Arab Petrodollars and under the beneficial influence of the Judeo-Christian Democracy Ideology.

But whenever such naïve Democrats fight for such an illusory Democracy inside Islamic Societies, they, in fact, pave the way for the Islamic Fundamentalists (see Iran, soon Pakistan, and very soon Egypt) who fervently burgeon and blossom in the Muhammadan indestructible compost of frustrated Islamic Societies :


Israel Fatal Error :
- Cure the Roots of its Ills -
Part II : The Cure

Therefore, and because of an identical total ignorance of the Fundamental Roots of Ideologies which underlie all human activities, Ehud Olmert and the Israeli Nomenklatura-Establishement cannot understand that, to day, ONLY, ONLY, ONE, ONE Ideology Event would be able to deter effectively the Muhammadan Sect - which has vowed the annihilation of Israel - :
i.e. this Ideology Event will be the RESTORATION of the indestructible JERUSALEM TEMPLE -- constantly fathering Democracy in the collective subconscious of Humanity --
This necesssary RESTORATION of the TEMPLE to be finally achieved on its Authentic Site * designated to David by YHWH : And this Authentic Site is, in reality, located DOWNSTREAM, DOWNSTREAM from the Haram (Esplanade of the Mosques) :

* SEE at : :
the first and unique Scientific Study of the TEMPLE RELIGIOUS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM which has been miraculously preserved, to this very day, in the rocky underground of the Jewish Citadel (nowadays Haram) which overlooked and protected the disappeared TEMPLE.
-This underground Religious Hydraulic System can nowadays be checked by any one in Jerusalem...-

This grandiose, innovative, unique (and totally ignored ! ) antique religious HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, installed from King Solomon to King Herod, with meticulous underground cascades, had been, thus, designed to constitute the “Water Tower” which stored and provided, DOWNSTREAM, by sole gravitation, the live Source Waters of Etam to the JERUSALEM TEMPLE :

These purifying living Waters had to EVER FLOW, without the least interruption, according to the meticulous exacting Jewish Religious Prescriptions, in order to allow daily Purifications of ALL ISRAEL, as absolutely required by YHWH in the Cult of the ancient ISRAEL TEMPLE (which, in reality, stood on a disappeared Platform, located DOWNSTREAM (nowadays Ophel) from this underground “Water Tower” -nowadays Haram-).


Historical Note :
When the Roman Emperor Hadrian had crushed down, in 135, the last Revolt of the Jews led by Bar Kokhba and Rabbi Akiba (who had tried to restore the Temple destroyed by the Roman Emperor Titus in 70) Jerusalem was voided of all its inhabitants (Jews and Judeo-Christians) and was then repopulated with new Pagan immigrants to colonise the City that became entirely and exclusively Roman, and was renamed Aelia Capitolina.
In order to ensure the success of a secret strategy, the object being to eliminate any new idea of revolt by the Jews and any idea of a Single God, the God-Roman Emperor Hadrian had decided to eradicate from the memory of men the real location of the Temple.
With this objective in view, Hadrian expulsed the Jews from Jerusalem with an Edict formally forbidding all Jews to never again approach the City under pain of instant death.
This Interdiction forbidding the Jews (and Judeo-Christians) to approach Jerusalem remained in force for about two centuries and its application was facilitated by the visual inspection of circumcision of any suspect.
Natan 2008

Israel Fatal Error :
- Cure the Roots of its Ills -
Part III : GuideLines for the Restoration of
the 4th Synagogue-TEMPLE of Jerusalem

Each Generation, during which the Temple is not rebuilt,
is as equally guilty as those who had allowed it to be destroyed
Talmud of Jerusalem : Order Moed : Tractate Yoma : 1 : 1
(Written by the Palestinian Rabbis four centuries after the Destruction
of the Herodian Temple by Titus)

in the indestructible Temple of Jerusalem,
whose impregnating Matrix
generates constantly Democracy
in the collective subconscious of whole Humanity


The Court of the 4th Temple
c copyright Natan 2007

To the East of the 4thTemple restored on its authentic site designated to David by YHVH , and in the west-east axis, the Main Court will be extended so as to span the whole Esplanade over the Kidron Valley (in direction of the Mount of Olives) :
Thus, the worshippers will be able to pray towards the Temple-Shekinah in the ritual east-west axis, rigorously prescribed in the Bible.
This huge Esplanade will be lined to the north, to the south and to the west, by three rows of High Porticoes, similar to the High Porticoes described by Flavius Josephus for the Herodian Temple.
Between these three rows of High Porticoes, retractable velums will be able to protect worshippers from the sun.
Along the north and south rows of Porticoes (and inside the Court) a storey will be installed for women.


The 4th Synagogue-Temple
c copyright Natan 2007

The Model of the 4th Temple will be :
- for the architectural plan of the Sanctuary, the Meeting Tent of Moses, and its dimensions will respect the initial mystical proportions, as described in the Bible.
- for the materials of construction and ornamental realisation, the model will be the first Temple of Solomon as described in the Bible while excluding the Annex. (The architecture model of the third Temple of Herod will not be taken into account since the Herodian concept had denatured and desecrated the Sanctuary by building atop the Holy of Hollies (over which the Shekinah is coming down) a pagan storey.)

The Holy of Hollies will contain the Ark of the Covenant and its Tablets, guarded by the two Solomon gold Cherubins.
The Holy of Hollies will permanently irradiate, and the Words of the Ten Commandments will appear, day and night, on the three external walls, in Hebraic (east), in English (north) and in Arabic (south).

The Holy, whose walls will be transparent, will contain the three Moses Tent sacred objects : the seven branches Candelabrum lit day and night (model on Titus Arch), the bread Altar, and the incense Altar.


The Platform of the 4th Temple
c copyright Natan 2007

The Platform of the 4th Temple will be a square of 180 meters x 180 meters, according to Flavius Josephus testimony, and in order to counterbalance and cure definitely Emperor Hadrian’s machiavellian destruction.

The Height of this Platform will be decided according to an overall study.

The Words of the Torah (Pentateuch) will appear, day and night, on the three external walls, in Hebraic (west), in English (north) and in Arabic (south).


The Altar and the brazen Laver
c copyright Natan 2007

The Altar will be between the Temple and the Court.
On the Altar will be installed the Coffer containing the Torah as in any Synagogue.

The brazen Laver will be made on the model and dimensions of the huge Solomonian Laver resting on the backs of twelve Oxes.
This brazen Laver will be provided with ever-flowing Source Waters, which will, then, pour down from the Laver into Mikwehs intended for the Rabbis and Rabbis-Priests conducting the collective Worship.
The required Purification virtue of this Water, circulating permanently in close circuit by means of activating electricity power, will be conferred by a special Aqueduct bringing the necessary insemination of ever-flowing Source Waters (in the same way as the Hydraulic System which had been installed by the Jewish hydraulic engineers, in the bedrock of the nowadays Haram Mount, in order to provide the required ever-flowing Purifying Source Waters to the three vanished Temples which were successively standing gloriously downstream :


The Worship to the Shekinah
in the 4th Synagogue-Temple
c copyright Natan 2007

The Worship in the 4th Temple will be similar to the Worship in any Synagogue, and will be conducted by Rabbis or Rabbis-Priests.
But, as the Worship in Synagogue is derived from the Worship in the Temple, as often as possible, the Rules of the Cult will tend to go back to the initial Rules.

Once a year, the Day of Atonement, the Chief Rabbi or Chief Rabbi-Priest, after having taken the ritual immersion bath of Purification, will enter the Holy of Hollies, for a few minutes, in order to burn incense and purify All Israel.

Natan 2007


See the first FULL authentic HISTORY of the Jews

at :

Tuesday, January 1, 2008


******************************************** **
Jewish Immigration in Israel at the Lowest
(and Jewish Emigration out of Israel at the Highest ?)
Moslem Demography and Rejection Pressure


Israel, in the XXth century, had been re-created, successively, by TWO main Waves of Immigrants :

the Unbelievers Marxism inspired Wave
the Rabbinical Wave

1/ the Unbelievers Marxism inspired Wave
The Rabbis having formally excluded, for two Millenaries, the Restoration of any Israel State, it has been the Unbelievers Jewish Marxists who, under the pressure of Persecutions, Pogroms and Holocaust, finally, decided to recreate the State of Israel in order to protect themselves.
Therefore this first Wave of Immigrants, although they had distanced themselves from the Jewish Fundamental Religious Roots and Practice, had unconsciously kept the Jewish Moral Founding Principles (issued from these same Roots) which allowed the Immigrants to succeed in creating, in a very brief time (half a century) the only authentic Democracy of the Middle East.

2/ the Rabbinical Wave
After the Destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in 70 CE, and in order to save the Jewish Religion, the Rabbis had formally excluded, for two Millenaries, the Restoration of the Temple of Jerusalem, and had invented a Cult, based on a “Spiritual Temple”, which could be worshipped in any Diaspora.
Thence, their constant and firm opposition, during centuries, to any Restoration of the State of Israel.
But, when the State of Israel was re-created, mainly by the Unbelievers Marxists Jews, the Rabbis, unconsciously drawn again by the Magnet of the disappeared Jerusalem Temple, did progressively cease their opposition to the Concept of a new State of Israel, and, instead, began to assert their full physical Adhesion to, and mystical Claiming of (a sterile) “Holy Land”, but they, blindly, continue to keep imprisoned in tight “Spiritual Brackets”, the fertile Jerusalem Temple fathering Democracy.

- Therefore, as a global historical result, Israel, now, is like a tasty Fruit without its Nucleus (its Founding Temple) which could allow it to perpetuate itself :

- Furthermore, why should the Jews of the Diaspora, when not persecuted, immigrate in hostile West Bank Settlements, if they have their own “Spiritual Rabbinical Temple” in comfortable environment of the Diaspora ? -

- Therefore, it is a tragic and suicidal Mind-Paralysis of Israel not to understand that their unique chance of Survival depends on the Restoration of the Jerusalem Temple on its authentic Site *.

- And furthermore, Israel should be reminded that ALL THE JEWS in the World, who have the possibility (nowadays = planes or boats), MUST GO, -if not every day as Israelis could do-, but at least, every year, to the Jerusalem Temple (once restored) for all the main Religious Festivals, as it has been irrevocably prescribed for ever in the Torah (Bible) (and confirmed in the Rabbinical Mishnah).
- In other words, the Temple of Jerusalem is the ONLY
glorious Unification and Creating Power of Israel World. -

* See at : :
the first and unique Scientific Study of the TEMPLE RELIGIOUS HYDRAULIC SYSTEM which has been miraculously preserved, to this very day, in the rocky underground of the Jewish Citadel (nowadays Haram) and which can be checked by any one in Jerusalem...
This grandiose, innovative, unique (and totally ignored ! ) antique religious HYDRAULIC SYSTEM, installed from King Solomon to King Herod, with meticulous underground cascades, had been, thus, designed to constitute the “Water Tower” which stored and provided, DOWNSTREAM, by sole gravitation, the JERUSALEM TEMPLE with the live Source Waters of Etam :
These purifying living Waters had to EVER FLOW, without the least interruption, according to the meticulous exacting Jewish Religious Prescriptions, in order to allow daily Purifications of ALL ISRAEL, as absolutely required in the Cult of the TEMPLE by YHWH.

Natan 2008